Types of Bail Bonds

Reliable Nashville Bail Bonding Company

If you or someone you know need to post bail in Nashville, Clarksville, or Springfield, All Knight Bonding is here to help. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and we have been serving the Nashville area since 1997.

If this is your first foray into the criminal justice system, or even if it isn’t, you may be unfamiliar with how bail bonds work, or even what they are. While understanding the system or the process is not necessary when you are working with All Knight Bonding, it may help give you ease of mind to know what to expect. Our experienced Nashville bondsmen will walk you through the process and help you get out of jail as quickly as possible and without any hassles.

Call us now at (615) 242-2663, or use our online form.

Types of Tennessee Bail Bonds

Under Tennessee law, bail must be available before trial to all criminal defendants except those charged with capital offenses “where the proof is evident or the presumption great.” Your judge will determine your bail at the bail hearing.

In general, bail may not exceed certain statutory maximums, unless the judge determines that you are at risk for not showing up to court. These maximums are as follows:

  • $1,000 – Misdemeanor
  • $1,000 – Felony that does not involve a crime committed against a person
  • $50,000 – Felony that involves a crime against a person
  • $100,000 – Homicide

If, however, you are considered a risk of flight, the judge has the authority to set bail higher than the stated maximum for your charge.

In Tennessee, there are four different types of bail available, and they can be adjusted to fit the charges against you, as well as your particular financial situation.

Cash Bond. A cash bond requires posting the full face value of the bail amount to secure the defendant’s release from custody. Because the court retains the cash for the duration of legal proceedings, this type of bond can be very difficult for most defendants to secure.

Surety Bond. This type of bond is most common because it does not require the defendant to put up large amounts of cash, which will be unavailable for the duration of the legal proceedings. Tennessee law permits a defendant to secure a bail bond which “sufficient” sureties, which may be a professional bail bondsman. The advantage of the surety bond is that the defendant does not need to come up with the full amount of bail; rather, he must only pay the premium and any additional fees. When you hire All Knight Bonding, this is the type of bail bond that you would secure. We charge a very reasonable 10% premium.

Property Bond. Defendants who own real estate within the state of Tennessee may secure a bail bond using their real property, provided that the property is worth at least 1.5 times the amount of bail. For a property bond, the defendant must execute a deed of trust conveying the real estate in trust to the clerk, which the clerk will promptly record in the office of the register where the property is located.

Personal Recognizance. In some cases, a defendant may be released before trial based on what is called “personal recognizance” or upon the execution of an unsecured appearance bond. In these cases, no property or cash is required for the defendant’s release. Rather, the judge considers such factors as: length of residence in the community; employment status and history, and financial condition; family ties and relationships; reputation, character and mental condition; any criminal record; the presence and identity of people who vouch for your reliability; the nature of the offense you are charged with; and any other factors deemed relevant to your likelihood to appear in court.

Contact an Experienced Bail Bonding Company in Nashville

If you or someone you know is in police custody and needs help posting bail, contact All Knight Bonding. We have served the Nashville area since 1997 and are very familiar with the courts and jails in Nashville, Clarksville, and Springfield. You can reach our professional bondsmen anytime, day or night, to secure your release from jail. Call us now at (615) 242-2663, or contact us online.

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